Favourite things...

The Secret Garden

Things I love… No. 80 

The Secret Garden 

It’s deepest winter and snow-fall tends to slow things down to a speed that allows other things to start growing. Being surrounded by seeds in all shapes and sizes, I automatically begin developing plans and schemes and simply cannot help imagining next year’s garden…

Speaking with a friend recently about a possible adapatation of the Frances Hodgson Burnett classic for stage, I fall back again on the concept of the garden as a space which confers identity, in this case a meeting place of two rather selfish ten-year-olds whose lives are transformed  through the discovery of the key to a secret garden and the bonds they forge through meeting there. We know that we are strongly influenced by our surroundings and the places wherein we dwell and the idea of the garden offering itself as a way of dealing with alienation and loss is not entirely new. Growth, metamorphosis and new beginnings are images not only prevelant in the world of nature but also in human life.

 Back to the sorting and packing of seeds for the next season as I look out at big flakes of snow accumulating and covering the expanse of the garden with a gentle white blanket. Feeling more than grateful for the beauty of this too, coupled with anticipation for all the new things to come… The art of a seed is that it fills one with the sense of possibility as well as bringing back the memory and warmth of fertile abundance.

 * * *


  • Hello Frances!

    When we discussed in News Café Bar I felt you are a special and very interesting person, now after reading these lines I know it’s definitely like that. Maybe the garden shows us how we should manage our life … beautiful pictures …

    See you maybe next time in News Café Bar


  • hey, thanks Patrik – so nice of you to call by @thewater. I’m glad you enjoyed reading the post.
    yes, look forward to continuing our discussion either in News or here in the garden.
    enjoy these quiet days,

  • Looking forward to more, Frances.

  • looking forward to your next post, Frances.

  • coming up 🙂

  • I work here on my own… but the basic design is from WordPress.
    Hope this is of help and do let me know when you have started blogging 🙂

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